Montag, 7. Januar 2013

Minipost: Adding Packetstorm Exploits to Metasploit

I love to see an increasing number next to the exploits once I have issued msfconsole. To make myself happy I find it pretty cool to add packetstorm Exploits to the framework which are not yet merged or will never be merged into the framework.

To get all exploits from 2012 via wget from packetstorm  simply do a


(to get all exploit archives use fnord0's packetstorm leecher )

and untar the file

tar xvzf 2012-exploits.tgz

a simple find . -iname \*.rb.txt will tell you which files are for the framework.

rename those *.txt.rb files by

rename s/rb.txt/rb/g *-exploits/*

create a new folder in your exploits folder (in my case)

mkdir /opt/metasploit-4.4.0/msf3/modules/exploits/packetstorm

I like to start msfconsole then to see the currently listed exploits

1003 is already nice. Lets exit the msfconsole

copy all packetstorm framework exploit files to the created directory

find . -iname \*.rb -exec cp {} /opt/metasploit-4.4.0/msf3/modules/exploits/packetstorm/ \;

and start msfconsole

1263 is the number that made me happy today. 

There will be some issues related to some modules but these are minor bugs. 

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